Wednesday, March 08, 2006

control arms

"Lack of controls on the arms trade is fuelling conflict, poverty and human rights abuses worldwide. Every government is responsible. The Control Arms campaign is asking governments to toughen up controls on the arms trade.

Our Million Faces petition is collecting photos and self portraits from around the world to reach our goal of one million faces by June 2006. We will use these faces to send a powerful, global message of support to the world's governments for an International Arms Trade Treaty.

Be one in a million. Join us today."

All about it here:

The arm trade is something I find deeply worrying, ever since I first came into contact with the topic through Amnesty International where I took part in a seminar.
It makes me feel angry and helpless when the so-called "civilized world" profits by selling weapons to poor and developing countries.
In 2003 the german government allowed companies to export weapons to Nigeria, India, South east Asia and the near east (Source)
It´s not really surprising that governments are not eager on trade control, as the total sum of weapon exports totals 19 billion US Dollars.
Every year more than two pieces of ammunition per person (14 Million) are produced.
More sad and scary facts here.
Petitions like this may be a drop in the ocean - but they´re better than doing nothing.

Another organisation dealing with this problem is Apopo.
The are training giant pouched rats as mine-sniffers and seem to be very successful.
If you´re looking for a present, you can also adopt rats there :

The site is well worth a look!

Update: This is my face on the site


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