Saturday, January 28, 2006


Damn...I´m sick.
It´s just a common (though particularly) bad cold with headaches, coughing, a bit of fever and the like. But it´s really getting onto my nerves.
Tonight I took some pills to get fit for the animal shelter cause I was getting cabin fever - and yes, you´re right, that probably wasn´t such a good idea.
At the moment I feel dizzy and it´s 0.33 so the only way to whine is to use this blog ;).

Tomorrow noon there´ll be another dog training with the shelter dogs and I hope I´ll be fit enough to take Bobby along. I´d like to get another opinion on this weird canine ;).
Today he´s been alright, he only tried to bite once...
I´m not sure wether or not he´s a "fear-biter" - he sometimes appears to be.
Tomorrow night, well actually tonight, my family (my brother and his wife and my parents) are goingt to the cabaret as "Volker Pispers" ist doing a show in Münster:
I really hope I can go, not so much because of the programm but because I want to spend some time with my family.

There´s a quote from the guy which I like:
"Der Volksmund sagt: Religion ist Opium für das Volk.
Das ist irreführend. Opium ist eine bewußtseinserweiternde Droge."

A rough translation would be:
" It ist said that Religion is Opium for the people.
This is misleading as opium is a mind-expanding drug"

Cheerio, Anne


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