Wednesday, January 31, 2007

more guinea pigs

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Guinea pigs

and the occasional rabbit. First pics taken with indirect flash which - to my great surprise- seems to work!

Lots of dogs

Jack Russel puppy

another puppy


Lisa - back again at the shelter.
This is a screenshot site from the shelter where she stayed before:



Photography on the assembly line today : seven dogs.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

First pics, Franfurt zoo

Thanks to my friend Christine, who generously lent me her 75-300 mm lens!
All pics are Thumbnails.

Friday, January 19, 2007


one of the dogs who´ve been at the shelter for quite a while.


Due to the storm "Kyrill" I couldn´t travel to Frankfurt today - I didn´t feel like being stuck in a train station over night. Guess it was the right decision not to risk it, when I listen to the wind outside.

Unlike me, the heroic post(wo)man braved the elements and I got my flash today, a "Topca 330Cos"
I hope it´ll help with the pictures of the cats at the shelter. With the internal flash the felines become glowing-eye monsters and without it the pics are much too dark. So I thought maybe indirect flashing via the ceiling would be a solution. But I entertain the horrible suspicion that I´ll have to learn a lot more about my camera and its new companion before/if it´ll work - especially as the flash isn´t wholly compatible to the EOS technology. But what can you expect from a 20 Euro bargain on ebay ? :) .
BTW. If you´re interested in nature in general and in nature photography: I´ve been a subscriber to for years, I love this magazine.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


obviously a Labrador, and a very nice one, too.
On a personal note: I´ll be travelling to Frankfurt tomorrow and stay there for the weekend.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

dog faces

Sunday, January 14, 2007


... is a funny playground sometimes. I´ve been wanting to buy the Canon EOS 18-55 Lens that usually comes with the digital EOS-Cameras for some time, and have been watching the prices on ebay Germany from the 19th of December till the 14th of January.
Just for fun I turned most of the prices of the lenses I kept tabs on into an Excel-graphic (see above).
Of course there are differences in the state of the merchandise which justify a certain amount of variation, but the price seems to depend more on chance an on the time the auction ends than on anything else.

Btw: I got mine in perfect working order, and with an additional UV-filter, for 35,50 Euro (plus packaging) on a Monday noon.
Sometimes patience pay off literally:) .

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Spunky & Judy

Jacquie (or Jacki ? ) & Judy

