Friday, February 23, 2007

Zoo Nordhorn

Pan of mice

Enclosure and inhabitant of the Reed vole (Microtus fortis) enclosure. I very much like exhibits like this! There are loads of rodent species, 1500 out of 4000 mammals in total is an educated guess. Many zoos unfortunately neglect these "lbj´s" (Little brown jobs) as they´re often called in the zoo-world. Understandably, as one might say, considering that many visitors don´t care much for them and their show-value isn´t very high.
But if you provide interesting information about the concerned species in an accessible way and add some innovative enclosure design they can make great (and mostly cheap) displays.
Squirrel monkey
Australian aviary with budgerigars, zebrafinches, eastern Rosellas and doves.

Visitors may feed the budgies with foxtail millet they can buy at the entrance.

Even though many nestboxes are provided these hole-nesting birds seem to fancy little caves between the stone slabs as an alternative.
I made use of my annual ticket of the small but predominantly nice zoo of Nordhorn yesterday.
I also saw some of my beloved coypus swimming in the river Vechte :).


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