A aforementioned I´m a quote-addict. This is a rather small collection of quotes on the topic of photography which will hopefully continue to grow. I´ll only add quotes I find provocative, interesting or "true" though.No one can do inspired work without genuine interest in his subject and understanding of its characteristics.
Andreas FeiningerA technically perfect photograph can be the world’s most boring picture.
Andreas FeiningerAny good photograph is a successful synthesis of technique and art.
Andreas FeiningerThe photographer has almost as much control over his subject matter as a painter. He can control light and shade, form and space, pattern and texture, motion and mood, everything except composition.
Andreas FeiningerBefore you shoot an irrestible subject, mute all your senses except sight to find out how much is left for the camera to record.
Andreas FeiningerWe don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
TalmudThe real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.
Marcel Proust'To the complaint, 'There are no people in these photographs,' I respond, 'There are always two people: the photographer and the viewer.'
Ansel AdamsBuying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner.
Best wide-angle lens? Two steps backward. Look for the 'ah-ha'.
Ernst HaasThe camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE.
Ernst HaasYour equipment DOES NOT affect the quality of your image. The less time and effort you spend worrying about your equipment the more time and effort you can spend creating great images. The right equipment just makes it easier, faster or more convenient for you to get the results you need.
Ken RockwellThey used to photograph Shirley Temple through gauze. They should photograph me through linoleum.
Tallulah BankheadTake nothing but photographs - leave nothing but footprints.
“I have an underwater camera just in case I crash my car into a river, and at the last minute I see a photo opportunity of a fish that I have never seen.”
Mitch Hedberg“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”
Dorothea Lange“To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
Elliott Erwitt“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”
Ansel Adams“A photograph is a portrait painted by the sun”
“Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure.”
Tony Benn“Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter.”
Ansel Adams“A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words.”
Ansel Adams“You don't take a photograph, you make it.”
Ansel Adams“A good photograph is knowing where to stand.”
Ansel Adams“Simply look with perceptive eyes at the world about you, and trust to your own reactions and convictions. Ask yourself: "Does this subject move me to feel, think and dream? Can I visualize a print - my own personal statement of what I feel and want to convey - from the subject before me?”
Ansel Adams “Photography helps people to see.”
Berenice Abbott “As I have practiced it, photography produces pleasure by simplicity. I see something special and show it to the camera. A picture is produced. The moment is held until someone sees it. Then it is theirs.”
Sam AbellI have discovered photography. Now I can kill myself. I have nothing else to learn.
German language quotes:»Man sieht oft etwas hundertmal, tausendmal, ehe man es zum ersten Male wirklich sieht.«
Christian Morgenstern»Schön ist eigentlich alles, was man mit Liebe betrachtet.«
Christian MorgensternDer Gebrauch einer Kamera ist ähnlich dem eines Messers: Man kann damit Kartoffeln schälen, aber auch eine Flöte schnitzen.
Erich KahlmeyerDas Auge macht das Bild - nicht die Kamera.
Gisèle Freund"Wenn ich die Geschichte in Worten erzählen könnte, bräuchte ich keine Kamera herumzuschleppen."
Lewis Hine Ein Bild sollte man anschauen - nicht darüber reden.
Elliott ErwittSehen verändert unser Wissen.
Wissen verändert unser Sehen.
Jean Piaget Talent ist wichtiger als Technik.
Andreas FeiningerKreativfilter haben mit Kreativität soviel zu tun wie Kunsthonig mit Kunst.
Bob Shell Das einzig Gute an den eigenen schlechten Fotos ist die Freude, die man Kollegen damit macht.
Fritz PölkingFür mich sind Kameras Werkzeuge. Sie sind ein Mittel zum Zweck; sie sind wichtig, aber man sollte sich nicht zuviele Gedanken um sie machen.
Frans LantingEven more QuotesAnd yet moreStill haven´t had enough?Me neither!More german quotes (most of them not really my cuppa)
Very nice site with german quotes