Friday, December 01, 2006

Christian Scientific Volunteer ?

As I am now officially a "Diplombiologe" (eqivalent to a Master in biology) ( HURRRA! HURRA! HURRA!) I have started looking for a job.
Amongst the jobs on offer there are a few strange ones :
"Title: Christian Scientific Volunteer
Job Description: Christian volunteer works: students recruiting and wildlife educational issues and ORDERED CROSS-CULTURAL AND Culturally related issues.
Qualifications: BA/BS Wildlife science or BA/BS/Master/PhD in mathematics/computer science
Salary: volunteer as a preacher"

Situated in the US, of course...
(I think Albert Einstein had a point when he stated "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." BUT from what I gather from the news about Christians in the US and their attitude towards evolutionary biology...)

BTW: I rather liked the job descripition which said "must no be afraid of snakes" - sounds extremely good to me! :)


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