There are six "new" dogs at the shelter and I tried to take photos of five of them.
It was drizzling and overcast and my cam´s (Canon, EOS300d) driving me mad.
I´ve tried everything: different lenses (28-80 in this case), Iso-numbers, Flash, experimenting with the aperture and shutter speed, even the bloody programs.
Either the pics are much too dark or they become blurry - I can only choose between two evils.
As much as I love digital photography and appreciate its advantages - I never had these problems with my analogue SLR, an Eos 500.
It has to be possible to take pictures while the sun´s not shining...I´m not asking for works of art or focused pics of racing dogs but only for ordinary images od standing dogs.
Aaaargh...HELP! Any tipps would be highly appreciated
(Due to financial shortages :) no chance for additional equiment like better lenses or an external flash though. No chance for artificial light either, to my knowledge there´s no proper place at the shelter for taking indoor pictures. )
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